An even bigger threat than hand-placed mines will be mines and grenades dropped from drones. The Ukraine war is giving us plenty of lessons, and we had better learn them all. Even a COTS quad rotor can drop a grenade on your backyard BBQ party. The drone pilot might be a couple miles away across the river and the freeway in a "no go zone."

Or, the drone operators may be a state away, even further out of your reach, and they might be dropping broom-size "roof penetrating home wreckers."

The photo below is my concept of the future drone jockeys.


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Goose guns will be back in vogue toot pronto! Every section will have an drone gunner equipped with a tweaked hearing aid.

Chutes Magoo

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If "terror mines" are laid during an American "Spanish Civil War" scenario, (highly likely IMHO), then I can see the following consequence happening fast. Anybody caught with any of these anti-personnel mines is going to be HANGED like right now. Hanged at least. When your grandkid gets her leg blown off by an enemy who planted such mines in your AO, your hate meter is going to peg. Just being FOUND with an anti-personnel mine in the wrong AO is going to earn that person a necktie party. Slow, hoisted up with wire, not the fancy short drop with the sudden hemp stop.

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I think that if and when we see an actual civil war in the US,as opposed to that of the 1861-65 war of secession, that it will resemble the 1930s Spanish Civil war. Meets the

Yugo break up civil war meets the Indian Pakistan division.

Some places will be like each version those various seperations.

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So glad to see some unedited video out of the war. All vids should be unedited and uncensored. People need to see the horrors of war, and what men and women are capable of (good and evil.). These men showed some true heroism in the way they handled themselves, even when their legs were gone. All of them deserve to be recognised.

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Where do I find the video of the minefield shit show?

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