The shingles are supposed to be soaked to make them edible. As for the traffic jam, the whole idea is to bind you up so that a bowel movement occurs but once a week, notified in advance by ominous cramps, and extruded with malice aforethought. If you're not religious, this will be an introduction into an ecstatic experience. You also end up with an apfsds projectile.

Try and get the Aussie 24hr ration. Avoid the menu with Ham & Beans, because they aren't food for any terrestrial creature. See if you can get the Patrol Ration too. You will notice the very compact nature of all these packs. Highlights are the sweetened condensed milk in a tube, plum jam, wrigley's gum, and the waterproof matches. The toiletpaper can also be used to smooth out bullet gouges in armour plate prior to repainting....byo, your freckle will thank you.

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I was in from 1981 to 2013. You can imagine I saw it all when it comes to the development of the MRE rations. Some good, some terrible, but they all would make a turd. When I was a HHT commander in the CAV, (I chose that command) I had a mess section that could really cook. The squadron loved them and they loved the men. Funny half of them could not qualify with their weapons, and the other half could not make weight. Weird how they all were retained while I was the Troop Commander.

Good write up BC.

Saber 7

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love ya, Big; but quit being a damn yankee... "They were more like a mashed up kidney bean… like in a chili." If it has fucking beans in it, it ain't chili. For fuck's sake; we raised you better than this! ...ha ha.

Be safe and blessed brother.

Original Grandpa

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Those 'toffuses breaking crackers' can be pulverized a bit with a handy bit of metal into small pieces which are much easier to break down when sprinkled into the meal. I often eat my crackers like that when eating salad, crushing them or the croutons into small pieces sprinkled into salad. Stir those around prior to any added salad dressing and you are good to go.

Thank you for the review of these

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Early sixties, Germany a ways south of Fulda Gap, November through March eatin C's from the fifties. You could always find a can of beans and franks, ham and mothers, and every once in a while something edible rolling around the floor of the vehicle. Poke a hole in it, wire it to the exhaust manifold, and have your revenge on the asshole that was fifteen minutes late relieving you on guard post. Sixty Five, RVN, scarfing early MREs, just lay it in sun for a few minutes, then choke it down. After burping it back up for the third time, you know why they were called Meals Refused By Ethiopians. Best rats I ever tasted was French, ham with a nice mustard sauce, ummm good.

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Good writeup. And they HAVE to change the color of the outer package-The refuse all around the trenches/bunkers can be seen from space (though something tells me they just don't give a shit).

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I imagine the sodium content on those Uke rats are probably no different than the 'Merican rats or the Canadian rats - through the fucking ceiling. But I wonder if there's more fiber in those Uke rats. One beef I always had with the Canuck rats is that there was almost ZERO fiber content in them, which guaranteed you'd be clogged up and not able to take a shit for the duration of your time in the field. It's a huge reason why I made sure to keep some Metamucil capsules in my meager snivel kit.

By the by, I've never tried the US version of the Ham Omelet, but I couldn't get enough of the Canadian version, provided I had a bottle of Tabasco or some other hot sauce handy.

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That is a whole lot of yuck but I guess it beats starving.

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The first week on Guadalcanal the Marines disgustedly picked the bugs out of their.....er.....food. The second week they shrugged and ate. The third week they went hunting for fresh "condiments". The Aussies in Vietnam complained about the bulk of the Yanks' rations. This Ukie thing....that's supposed to be for one day? Any calorie count on it? Remember they expect cold winters.

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